New Lodge Vineyard News

The home of 'Earls Baron' Northamptonshire Wine

New Lodge Vineyard


22nd July 2024

Wow .. what a hot weekend that was!   

So many came along on Friday to relax in the vines, with cool wine.  It felt like a Saturday! 

We will be holding some interesting workshops and events in the coming weeks. You’ve heard of wine tasting .. but what about Honey tasting?  Learn all about honey, how it is made, what makes a good honey, and how ‘terroir’ affects it.   Taste honeys from around the UK, and the world, and explore the diverse range of colours and flavours. 

We offer wine tastings on Fridays, or by appointment.    £30 for 4 wines: 2 white, 1 red and 1 English Sparkling.

And now we are open on Fridays too ….   3pm till late  (8,9,10pm .. you decide!)   Come along and start the weekend with us!


Get In Touch

Feel free to get in touch.  We can answer any questions you have, or just talk you through how to order our wines.  

Tel:  07777 640044   



New Lodge

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